Thursday, January 7, 2010

Artist Turns Caravan Into A Mobile Garden

Kevin van Braak, a young artist from the Netherlands, has transformed his common caravan into an extensible garden he can take anywhere. In a world where real gardens, with trees and grass are still available, Kevin’s creation can seem a bit odd, but in a few years, it might be the closest many of us will come to real nature. It looks just like any other caravan, from the outside, but the artist cut it in two, so it would reveal the lavish garden inside, when open. Kevin van Braak’s mobile garden comes with fake trees, silk grass, stuffed animals, an electric barbecue and even bird-songs coming through the van’s speakers. It sounds fake, but the young Dutch says many people prefer his garden over the real thing. His caravan garden is for sale, he just hasn’t fixed a price yet.

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